Criminal lawyers Toronto – Criminal defense lawyers in Toronto are the best lawyers specialized for the defense of individual or company, charged with criminal activity. The main task is to successfully defend their client at the courthouse. Continue reading “Criminal lawyers in Toronto”
Hair Care
“Tucker strokes my hair. There’s something so tender about the gesture. It might as well have been him whispering I love you.” ― Cynthia Hand, Hallowed
Home made egg & olive hair mask
Is your hair damaged and dry? Do you use hair dryer and aggressive hair products every day? If yes, then it is time to put your hair on rehab and this time choose the natural way! Hair mask from olive oil and egg yolks is highly recommended for especially dry hair. Egg yolks will make your hair softer and shinier and olive oil will moisturize your scalp and damaged ends. Continue reading “Home made egg & olive hair mask”
Make up at the beach? Why not!
Are you the type of girl that doesn’t go anywhere without her make up? Do you even take out the trash with a tiny bit of mascara? Then we’ve got news for you! You can wear make up at the beach without looking unnatural and completey silly. Just be very careful what kind of make up you chose. Continue reading “Make up at the beach? Why not!”