Digital transformation

Digital transformation is a comprehensive change of the organization and its business activities, processes, models, ecosystems, goods, strategies and organizational culture with optimized use of digital technologies, their changes, opportunities and impacts, taking into account the current situation and looking to the future.

Activities are found in all other thematic areas in this section, and it should be pointed out that digital transformation does not put IT and digital technologies at the forefront, but the optimization of meeting business needs through the efficient use of technology. Important levers are awareness and promotion of digital transformation, innovation of digital business models, digital process optimization, development of digital competencies and education, internationalization of solutions and services in the field of digitalization, support of introduction and integration of business and IT standards, adaptation of digitalization to national and EU environment. by supporting the introduction of new business models.

Internet of Things, embedded systems and sensors: Not so long ago, computers as well as the Internet were completely dependent on human data entry. Big chunks of data were transmitted to the Internet through human interaction before the IoT revolution. The Internet of Things has introduced a new paradigm that avoids the slowness, incoherence, and inaccuracy of man, and thus encourages real-time responsiveness. IoT is a system of everyday things, machines, computer devices, possibly humans or animals with unique addresses and the ability to transmit data to other things on the Internet via wired or wireless connections, requiring no human-human interaction and no human-computer interaction. Smart things are in their simplest form sensors capable only of capturing signals and sending them (with prior conversion to digital form) into the network, so we cannot talk about the classic machine-machine interaction, because sensors are not machines who would perform manual labor. The next category of IoT devices are embedded smart systems. An embedded system is a device that is not primarily intended for data processing, but with the help of an embedded (smaller) computer or. The microcontroller improves its performance in terms of quality, service life and safety, thus better satisfying the user. If such a device monitors what is happening in its surroundings, responds to it and is connected to the Internet of Things we are talking about a built-in smart system. Monitoring of such systems can be carried out in both soft and hard real time, with the latter not allowing delays in obtaining data, as these would mean irreparable damage.

Digital services

Digital service: Information obtained from all sensors in the world would be of no value if there were no infrastructure available that could be analyzed in the shortest possible time (preferably, of course, in real time). Modern digital solutions for processing IoT data, EO data and other big data are based on several advanced concepts, including cloud computing, microservices, APIs and mobile web clients. The ability to technologically manage IoT based on such concepts is the key to global competitiveness and successful digital transformation. Cloud computing allows a multitude of users to access advanced IoT applications and data running. are collected and processed on high-performance hardware, which (both equipment and data and software) would otherwise be difficult for an individual user to afford and maintain, thus making the user achieve his business goals faster and cheaper. Cyber ​​security: According to the definition summarized by the Slovenian Cyber ​​Security Strategy, cyber security is defined as: a set of activities and other measures, technical and non-technical, aimed at protecting computers, computer networks, hardware and software and information they are contained and addressed, including software and data as well as other elements of cyberspace, in the face of all threats, including threats to national security; the level of protection that activities and measures can provide; combined areas of professional effort, including research and development in the field of implementing and improving measures and raising their quality. Security risks have increased significantly in recent years, as information technologies have virtually merged with communications technologies, with the Internet as the connecting link being the main gateway to cyber attacks. Furthermore, IoT has connected a large number of simple, security-sensitive