Clean your skin naturally in 4 steps

It really doesn’t matter what kind of look do you choose, beauty starts with healthy skin. After using this methods your skin will look fantastic, but please try to be patient!

1. Eat healthy!

If you like it or not, your eating habits have a huge impact on your skin condition. Try to minimize eating greasy
food and candys by putting more fruit and vegetable to your menu. It’s very important to drink lots of fluids every day. You can cook a big bowl of green tea, wait for it to cool of and drink it like a refreshing summer drink. You can also add few ice cubes!

2. Start with a peeling

Peeling removes top layer of dead cells from your skin and exposes the “new” ones. With weekly use, your skin will renewed reguralery and as a result you’ll get much healthier skin.

3. Do it yourself!

Mix honey, salt and few drops of lemon juice. Scrub it gently to your face and leave it on for a couple of minutes. Then wash your face with water only! When skin calms down, you’ll get smooth and supple result.

Spice up your daily washing routine and add it a few drops of apple cider vinegar. It will clean your skin like no other fancy product ever will!

4. Use natural products

If you have oily skin, do not use drying products.

Try to use less aggressive products like natural foundation instead. Moistorizing product are perfect for that kind of skin type.

Author: Mojca Frelih